Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Maddox decides to be a BIG BOY!!!

For those who haven't heard, Maddox finally decided to be a "Big Boy" and get a real big boy haircut!!! He sat in the pump-up, swivel chair all by himself. I am so excited and so proud!! No one (except his grandparents) has any idea what kind of battle this has been since he was 1 year old. So, after much persuasion (or bribing, which ever you choose to call it) he got so excited about it and decided to take the plunge! Here are a few pictures of the finished product.

Maddox Haircut 1
Maddox Haircut 2

Just one more picture that I just had to show you. While I was taking his picture for this blog he made this silly face and I thought it was so hilarious! It totally describes his personallity and how "ALL BOY" he really is! Have a Laugh, compilments of Maddox!

Since it has taken me so long to write this, it is now about time for another haircut!

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